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Degree of Urbanisation 2023

The layers present the application of the Degree of Urbanisation stage I methodology recommended by UN Statistical Commission to the global population grid generated by the JRC in the epochs 1975-2030 (5 years timestep). They have been generated by integration of built-up surface extracted from Landsat and Sentinel-2 image data processing (GHS-BUILT-S R2023), and population data derived from the CIESIN GPW v4.11 (GHS-POP R2023). This product is an update of the data released in 2022 based on the updates of the GHS-BUILT-S and GHS-POP. The Settlement Model is provided at the detailed level (Second Level - L2). First level can be obtained aggregating L2.

RCoE Action:

Schiavina M., Melchiorri M., Pesaresi M. (2023): GHS-SMOD R2023A - GHS settlement layers, application of the Degree of Urbanisation methodology (stage I) to GHS-POP R2023A and GHS-BUILT-S R2023A, multitemporal (1975-2030)European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) PID:, doi:10.2905/A0DF7A6F-49DE-46EA-9BDE-563437A6E2BA


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