Protected Area Dashboard
ACP Total Coverage
Terrestrial Protected Areas (1000km2)
Marine Protected Areas (1000km2)
Total Area Protected (1000km2)
Terrestial Protected Areas
Marine Protected Areas
Coastal Protected Areas
Protection level statistics as of Dec 2024
The protected area coverage at the country (GAUL) and region levels is calculated every month using open-source software (QGis) and scripts (Python) following the procedure available at Protected Planet
The code is available at: Github - Protection Analyst
If you want to reuse our data please visit the API for protection level
EC-JRC (2024). BIOPAMA RIS [On-line], Protection level statistics as of Dec 2024. Available at:
These statistics might differ from those reported officially by countries or by other institutions due to difference in methodologies, software and datasets used to assess protected area coverage and differences in the base maps used to measure terrestrial and marine area of a country or territory.