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GHS built-up Volume Non Residential 2030 - 100 m

The GHS-BUILT-V R2023A dataset depicts the distribution of built-up volumes, expressed as number of cubic meters. The data reports about the built-up volume allocated to dominant non-residential (NRES) uses. Data are spatial-temporal interpolated from 1975 to 2030 in 5 year intervals. Data were obtained by multiplying the GHS built-up surface versus the GHS building height (ANBH) part of the same GHS collection. The layer available within this portal depicts the 2030 prediction.

RCoE Action:

Pesaresi, Martino; Politis, Panagiotis (2023): GHS-BUILT-V R2023A - GHS built-up volume grids derived from joint assessment of Sentinel2, Landsat, and global DEM data, multitemporal (1975-2030). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi: 10.2905/AB2F107A-03CD-47A3-85E5-139D8EC63283 PID:

100 m

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