Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs)
The IUCN IMMA layer identifies specific habitat areas crucial for one or more marine mammal species, which may be suitable for conservation through delineation and management. IMMAs represent regions that could benefit from targeted protection and/or monitoring. They serve as a marine mammal data layer highlighting important biodiversity, and potentially ecosystem health, which can be prioritized for protection and management by governments, intergovernmental organizations, conservation groups, and the public.
Related Policies and targets
Data provider
Suggested citation
IUCN MMPATF (2024) Global Dataset of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IUCN IMMA). [Sept/2024]. Made available under agreement on terms and conditions of use by the IUCN Joint SSC/WCPA Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force and accessible via the IMMA e-Atlas
Date or time period of observation
Frequency of update
Geographic coverage
Spatial Resolution
The IMMA GIS dataset compiled by the IUCN MMPATF is made available on request under a User Licence Agreement for non-commercial use in a Shapefile (.shp) format to use in GIS mapping software go to
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