INFORM Epidemic Risk Classes 2020
The management of risks due to biological hazards is a national and community priority. Epidemics of infectious diseases have shown the capacity to disrupt many dimensions of human existence. Moreover, they can affect anywhere in the world and severely test the global community's resilience. The INFORM Epidemic Risk Index is a prototype version of hazard dependent INFORM Risk Index (global risk assessment for humanitarian crises and disasters). It is a tool for assessing the countries' risk for all the type of epidemics. The risk levels are set as follows: LOW = risk score 3.5 and below; MEDIUM = risk score between 3.5 an 5; HIGH = risk score between 5 and 6.5; VERY HIGH = risk score 6.5 and above.
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Suggested citation
Poljanšek, K., Marin-Ferrer, M., Vernaccini, L., Messina, L., Incorporating epidemics risk in the INFORM Hazard-dependent Global Risk Index, EUR 29603 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-98669-7, doi:10.2760/990429, JRC114652
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The INFORM Epidemic Risk Index is a composite index, which is a simplified view of reality. Therefore, it should be used in conjunction with other sources of information. Methodology and detailed discussion of limitations are available at:
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