Social Clean Energy Access Index
The Social Clean Energy Access Index allows an effective identification of priorities for action in clean electrification programs. Its innovation is due to its tailored design focusing on the social dimensions of electricity access. The index depicts an unequal situation in terms of social aspects related to clean energy access between African countries.
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Data: Moner-Girona, Magda; Casati, Paola (2023): Datasets for a multidimensional analysis connecting clean energy access and social development in Sub-Saharan Africa. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi: 10.2905/938F628A-5D2C-408A-B2B9-6E84871665B0
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Publication: Paola Casati, Magda Moner-Girona, Shehu Ibrahim Khaleel, Sandor Szabo, Godwell Nhamo, Clean energy access as an enabler for social development: A multidimensional analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa, Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 72, 2023, Pages 114-126, ISSN 0973-0826, https:/
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