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Topographic Moisture Potential

The Africa Topographic Moisture Potential layer classifies the landscape of Africa as either upland or lowland (and other depressions) area. It was produced as part of the USGS’s Africa Ecosystems Mapping project to create maps depicting standardized, terrestrial ecosystem models. Substrate moisture regimes strongly influence the differentiation and distribution of terrestrial ecosystems, and therefore topographic moisture potential is one of the key input layers in this biophysical stratification.

RCoE Action:

Source: USGS, Esri


Downloading and using this item requires an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription or an ArcGIS Developer account. The layer has query, identify, and export image services available. The layer is restricted to a 24,000 x 24,000 pixel limit for these services, which represents an area roughly 2,400 kilometers on a side.

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