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One Health

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Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. Preparing the health workforce to work towards the a...
The management of risks due to biological hazards is a national and community priority. Epidemics of infectious diseases have shown the capacity to disrupt many dimensions of human existence. Moreover...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. The main focus of humanitarian organizations is peop...
Water is a critical natural resource for both natural ecosystems and human subsistence. Some of the most immediate pressures on land that lead to degradation include diversion of surface waters and th...
Poverty affects billions of people around the globe. On a daily basis, they face low wages and substandard health, education, and living standards. Because of this, poverty must be understood and appr...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. The main focus of humanitarian organizations is peop...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. The INFORM Risk Index is a global, open-source risk ...
Africa COVID-19 Dashboard
The IPC Mapping Tool is an enhanced interactive interface that shows a map of all the countries the IPC works in and allows you to download population data.
Africa COVID-19 vaccinedashboard