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The Global Terrorism Database™ (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 through 2020 (with additional annual updates planned for the future...
The Global Terrorism Database™ (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 through 2020 (with additional annual updates planned for the future...
The Europe Media Monitor (EMM) News Brief is a summary of news stories from around the world, automatically classified according to thousands of criteria. It is generated automatically every 10 minute...
Most conflicts initially start out as very local phenomena. Monitoring political violence events at local-level can help anticipate the escalation of conflicts within states, recognise signs of crisis...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. The coping capacity dimension of the INFORM Risk Ind...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. The main focus of humanitarian organizations is peop...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. The main focus of humanitarian organizations is peop...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. Refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees...
Understanding why and where humanitarian disasters are likely to occur is a fundamental step in saving lives and promoting sustainable development. The main focus of humanitarian organizations is peop...
Fire is a natural part of all ecosystems. Wildfires have been burning vegetation and shaping landscapes far longer than people have been on Earth. However, changes in fire frequency and timing can res...
Smallholder farmers and pastoralists have restricted access to capital and may not have the capacity to invest in management practices that mitigate land degradation. This layer displays the areas of ...