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A gateway to data and information on Africa's social, economic, territorial and environmental development, developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

This platform features Joint Research Centre (JRC) data, tools, partnerships, and stories developed in-house or with African and international partners. It provides a single entry-point to the wealth of European Commission knowledge on Africa and aims to support the European Union (EU) objective of deepening the partnership with Africa.
Regional Centres of Excellence for the Green Transistion Program

This platform serves as the Knowledge and Information hub for the Regional Centers of Excellence program. It underpins its Transversal component helping foster knowledge exchange and strengthen the science-policy interface, covering the priority topics linked to the Green Transition:

What's new
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Monitoring compliance of gold mines in Republic of Congo using earth observation.
Monitoring climate extremes impact on Agriculture in Southern Africa with the Anomaly Hotspots of Agricultural Production (ASAP).
Urban growth and regional connectivity across a youthful continent
Nature-based climate solutions should look beyond forests for opportunities in open ecosystems
Sustainable Development Goals
Select a goal to browse the related maps, tools and stories.